
Showing posts from August, 2020

How to be determined?

DREAM is not what you  see in  sleep ,  DREAM  is something which doesn't let  you sleep . – Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam. That is determination. Before we talk about how to be determined, we should be clear on the goal for which we need to be determined. What is your goal? Becoming a Doctor or getting higher score in 12th? Becoming a Doctor is a goal to be achieved; getting higher scores, clearing entrance exams, getting Doctor seat in a reputed college, doing good in medical exams are part of that goal. Be determined to achieve the primary goal. When should we be determined? It is easy to define or express what our goals are, but to do what we speak are really difficult. Because we may make mistakes, we may delay in learning, we may delay in processing, we may fail too. But do we need to stop there? So, it is important to be determined at the time of difficulties. When something happens against your plan, or may be nothing happen as per your plan. You may need to resc

How to support Bloggers

Blogging in initial days were just compared to diaries as many were using it to share their experience and to post things informally. But it is no more a hobby. Though many bloggers post contents in an informal manners, they post it for many useful reasons. Many are educative, informative and enlightening. All such contents need much efforts on research and presentation. So, their work needs an acknowledgement too. Yes the same informative, educative and enlightening contents we receive online are from YouTube videos and of course they have a good reach. Planting a tree, watering it for so many days and giving you the fruit is what the bloggers do. They think of a content, do a background research, get materials and present it in a form of a post. Youtubers go a step ahead and make the fruit into a juice ЁЯША, yes they too do all that the bloggers do and in addition to that, they are presenting it in a visual form. I just compared the efforts of both the content creators. Beyond both t

Tamil Literature, Authors and Sidhars

роЗродு родாрой் родрооிро┤் ! роЕройைрод்родைропுроо் рокроЯிроХ்роХ роТро░ு рокிро▒ро╡ி рокோродாродு.. рокெропро░்роХро│ைропாро╡родு рокроЯிрод்родு роЕро▒ிро╡ோроо்.. 1. родேро╡ாро░роо்  2. родிро░ுро╡ாроЪроХроо் 3. родிро░ுроорои்родிро░роо் 4. родிро░ுро╡ро░ுроЯ்рокா  5. родிро░ுрок்рокாро╡ை  6. родிро░ுро╡ெроо்рокாро╡ை  7. родிро░ுро╡ிроЪைрок்рокா 8. родிро░ுрок்рокро▓்ро▓ாрог்роЯு 9. роХрои்родро░் роЕройுрокூродி 10. роЗрои்род рокுро░ாрогроо் 11. рокெро░ிроп рокுро░ாрогроо் 12. роиாроЪ்роЪிропாро░் родிро░ுрооொро┤ி  13. роЖро┤்ро╡ாро░் рокாроЪுро░роЩ்роХро│் рокோрой்ро▒ рооிроХроЪ் роЪிро▒рои்род рокроХ்родி роЗро▓роХ்роХிропроЩ்роХро│்..! 1.роиро▒்ро▒ிрогை  2.роХுро▒ுрои்родொроХை  3.роРроЩ்роХுро▒ுроиூро▒ு  4.роЕроХроиாройூро▒ு  5.рокுро▒роиாройூро▒ு  6.рокродிро▒்ро▒ுрок்рокрод்родு  7.рокро░ிрокாроЯро▓்  8.роХро▓ிрод்родொроХை роОрой்ройுроо் "роОроЯ்роЯுрод்родொроХை" роЪроЩ்роХ роиூро▓்роХро│்.. ! 1.родிро░ுрооுро░ுроХாро▒்ро▒ுрок்рокроЯை 2.роЪிро▒ுрокாрогாро▒்ро▒ுрок்рокроЯை 3.рокெро░ுроо்рокாрогாро▒்ро▒ுрок்рокроЯை 4.рокொро░ுроиро░ாро▒்ро▒ுрок்рокроЯை  5.рооுро▓்ро▓ைрок்рокாроЯ்роЯு  6.роородுро░ைроХ்роХாроЮ்роЪி  7.роиெроЯுроиро▓்ро╡ாроЯை  8.роХுро▒ிроЮ்роЪிрок் рокாроЯ்роЯு  9.рокроЯ்роЯிройрок்рокாро▓ை  10.рооро▓ைрокроЯுроХроЯாроо் роОрой்ройுроо் "рокрод்родுрок்рокாроЯ்роЯு" роЪроЩ்роХ роиூро▓்роХро│்....! 1.родிро░ுроХ்роХுро▒ро│்  2.роиாро▓роЯிропாро░்  3.роиாрой்роорогிроХ்роХроЯிроХை  4.роЗрой்ройாроиாро▒்рокродு  5.роЗройிропро╡ை роиாро▒்рокродு  6.роХாро░் роиாро▒்рокродு  7.роХро│ро╡ро┤ி роиாро▒்рокродு  8.роРрои்родிрогை роРроо்рокродு  9.родிрогைрооொро┤ி роРроо்рокродு  10.роРрои்родிрогை роОро┤ுрокродு  11.родிрогைрооாро▓ை       роиூро▒்ро▒ைроо்рокродு  12.родிро░ிроХроЯுроХроо்  13.роЖроЪாро░роХ்роХோро╡ை  14.рокро┤рооொро┤ி  15.роЪிро▒ுрокроЮ்роЪ