When and How to visit Athi Varadhar in Kanchipuram?

Athi Varadhar is an idol taken out of Kanchipuram temple's divine pond once in 40 years and kept in temple's hall for 48 days. Again will be immersed in same pond.

The reason for this process was majorly said as a way of protecting the idol from Muhal invasion.
Free Darshan from 6am to 1pm an 2pm to 8pm from July 1,2019 to August 17, 2019. (Exception on 11.07.2019. on that day the darshan closed by 5pm.)

For Archana ticket and special darshan ticket, visit tnhrce.gov.in

For parking, food facility, facilities for special people and other precautions click Who is Athi Varadar and how to visit him?

To know how Athi Varadar is retrieved from the pond, here is the interview by Lakhminarasimhan@KittuBhattar, a priest of kanchi Varadaraja temple, who is also involved in the process of retrieval in 2019. Retrieval of Athi Varadar. His interview will answer to the questions like, how the wooden statue is not floated on water and how does it preserved from erosion during the 40 years of immersion.  


  1. But I like last statement of yours mam because that's d speciality of Lord perumal just less than a minute , all get d blessings of the Lord. With your description, im also feel to have the blessings of the Lord mam.


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