Hey Google! Ok Google

Devices at our home are part of our home. Don't you think, AI devices becoming part of our family. When we move on to smart living, these smart devices are inevitable. Uses and benefits of these devices are available in their ads and websites. I am not into promoting them:).

Few complains that we got addicted to the gadgets. I can't deny it. But I question, is that wrong?

I see it as an optimal use of technologies. Devices are introduced to simplify our job. We should be aware of making use of it. Now Google home and Alexa are becoming a part of many of our houses. Our day begins with

"Hey google, whats the time now? Hey google whats the weather today?, Hey google Whats the News headlines? Hey google what the appointments I have today? Hey Google how is the traffic to work today?

I agree that, these devices won't replace human beings, because they cant bring bed coffee to you. Similarly, the person who bring you bed coffee will not be answering to all the above questions everyday. So, before jumping into an argument, by making silly comparisons, remember to see gadgets as gadgets and its advantages in our daily life.

"Ok Google, set alarm...."
I see people mentioning, "Alerts make people less alert". I see these devices keep us peaceful. (I won't say, we are not alert). I set alarm in google home for 5 minutes duration too to check for my cooking progress, laundry, reminders for returning calls etc. Many of us have apps to remind for drinking water. As soon as we receive meeting invite, we add them to calendar and set reminders. Just because, I depend on alarms for meeting or events doesn't mean that I can't act independently. I am organized.

When there are high priority works/events they will be keep running in our mind and keep us alert. For rest of the things, alerts are important to be peaceful. They are not ruining our memory. Gadgets solve most of our problems, that is common due to carelessness.

"Ok Google call Iniya"
I remember my professor in college said, we need not to be putting so much effort in memorizing something as we are blessed with so many memory gadgets. In school days, I used to remember so many phone numbers, now I know only few important people phone number. I believe it is sufficient. Just because, I don't remember or take some effort to remember other contact details, doesn't mean that gadgets ruined my memory power. I make space for useful things. Even people with extreme memory power will not be able to remember the phone numbers in their contact list. (especially jio numbers).

"Ok Google, I am bored"
No, its not me. I don't get bored. I simply get tired. My kids, who get bored easily, energetically plays with Google home. One of the most important and impossible tips of parenting is to keep the kids engaged. There are another theory of parenting says, let the kids to get bored, so that their creativity increases. Side effects of that creativity is a messy home. Here comes the guardian angel "Google home", when kids say, they are bored, it lists out the games to be played and plays with them like Q&A games, freeze games  etc. No screen time, No messy home and kids are not disturbing you. Isn't a peace maker at home?!!

It is agreeable that every good has a bad side. Just compare advantages and disadvantages, and decide to take the thing that weighs more on advantages over risk. Here the devices that shortens the time consumption has more weight-age. It is understandable that we live in a busy world and become a bit short tempered. (Don't you agree that you lose your patience, when it takes more than a minute to load a web page?).

Ok Google, turn off the lights. :)


  1. Suberb😍.........keep rocking srimathi

  2. Srimathi write about your friend circle stories.....

  3. your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You're doing a great job ,Keep it up.

  4. Your writing is subtle and conversational.You wrote how I feel,even if I can't express it.I wish I could write like you.Good writing skills.

    1. Thank u Avanthi. I am happy that you could relate it to u.


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