Distraction in these situations ends up as a disaster

This happens almost all days in the morning. It is a mood spoiler. It happens the moment you turn around to grab sugar from the shelf or a spoon from the drawer or at the milli second that you take to check all your social media updates😊  I wonder whether the milk in the vessel waits for that moment of our distraction, to vent out the creamy layer formed on top of it. Whatever, in that nano second, our stove and vessel turn out to be a disaster. All we end up saying is..."it all happened in a second".

In kitchen it is very common; in a nano second, the browny cashew become charcoal, dosa become charcoal mask on dosa tawa, yummy spicy smell will give burnt smell. All these spoil the hard work of time and effort in a blink of eyes. Many kitchen accidents are also happen in no time. So, that short time of distraction not only end up in spoiling your food or mood, but sometimes leave a life long scar on your lives.

When it comes to nano second diversion,  two things comes to my mind. 
1. Driving:  The moment you take your eyes off the road, no matter how minimal your time of diversion, the probability of getting into an accident is high. One of my teachers mentioned that nano second of his sleep, impacted the driver beside him and caused an accident. So, the people beside the driver also should be alert when it comes to driving. Skipping a song from your playlist, changing a radio station, checking for messages, attending a call/declining a call...all of them take only seconds to do, but the following sequences may cost your life. 

2. Kids at home: People who takes care of the baby knows, how unpredictable the actions of the kids are. In my childhood, I dipped my hands in the residue of boiled rice. (We call it Vadi Kanji in tamil). My neighbor's kid pulled a pan from the table and the hot water spilled all over his body. In spite of having 2 pillows beside her, my nephew fell from the cot and injured at at the age of 8 months. 

So, for our own safety and the safety of others, people should be in alert while driving. The same when you are around kids and toddlers, they are highly unpredictable. Anything they can do in nano second. They pull hot or sharp things from the places, which u may think out of reach. They lose balance anytime, so be careful, while they are claiming up or down the steps, walking near hard surfaces, swimming pools etc.

Distractions may happen, but see at what situation you get distracted. Remember when you are in responsibility, distraction can never be an excuse. You own guilt is the biggest punishment that you deserve for these mistakes.  


  1. Well Said And Very Much True 😊.

  2. Great article, I loved the intro and the ending. Specially the ending sentence felt familiar in so many ways.


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