Happy Mother Tongue Language Day

It is good to have the spirit and respect on one's mother tongue language. Importance of mother tongue is not just with the communication, they also carry the history of that part of the people. And that is why languages should not be vanished.

When we talk about the prides of one's own mother tongue language, they should be very careful in talking pride about them and not degrading others languages. In Tamil Nadu, language plays a vital role in politics. In recent days, they define the eligibility of people to rule by their mother tongue. I don't want to mention their idea behind it, but I'm worried of few people who criticize other languages and people for political benefits.

I just wanted to say, "be proud of what you are, be content with the specialties of your language. Don't try to prove others that your language is the best", when you take such comparisons, you are automatically degrading somebody else's language, which is unnecessary and I don't think we are eligible to do so.

Why people try so hard to claim theirs is the oldest language?

Still many researches keep going to find the oldest language, many try to claim their language is the oldest because,  they want to show the world that they are the first cultured people in the world. While proving it, people should come forward with many archaeological evidence and literature evidence and not just with memes. Be polite, use sweet words of your language and prove the world that you are cultured now.

Iniya Ulavaga innadha Kooral, Kaniyirupa Kaai Kavarndhatru - Thirukural

இனிய உளவாக இன்னாத கூறல்
கனிஇருப்பக் காய்கவர்ந் தற்று.

Meaning: Uttering foul, while there are the sweetest of words, is like going for the unripe fruits while there are a lot of ripe ones.


  1. Mother tongue is an appropriate word, which definitely a feeling of talking to a mother, when we speak in mother tongue. Nice that you had taken time to write about the importance and of course I am a proud mother that my children are well in their mother tongue. Keep rocking, All the best.....

    1. It is nice to hear from a mother, who is proud of her kids being good in their mother tongue. I'm sure that the basics could be carried to next gen through mother only. U r doing a great job.


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