Letter to my daughter on the first day of her school


Your next phase of life has begun. You are one of the few blessed kids to have pre school education. 

You also enjoy the advantages of being a second kid. If u ever get a thought of not getting anything first, when compared to your brother, remember, u get the best. Because, for Udaya many are trial and error, because we choose him anything with the inputs of secondary resources. 

For u, we choose with the experiences we acquired from Udaya. This school Valley Montessori is such a choice. We saw with eyes filled with pride of how it has moulded Udaya and gave the best early education. To our surprise his teachers also feel proud of him and exclaim at his performances. 
No dear,  don't think that we gonna compare his performance with yours. Just because we give the same to both of u, we don't expect the same from both of u. We know, you both are special in ur own ways. We are proud for what u are, even before joining school. 

U have started learning from my womb itself, continued after coming to the world, now again a new environment, keep learning. Ur teachers are varying, your environments are varying, remember u r also changing by what u r learning. So learn good. 

"Karka kasadara karpavai katrapin 
nirka adharku thaga".  

Amma and Appa wishing u a best future to u, utilize this fundamental, know your power,  groom your personality, build your own empire and be a rock star. 
P.s Now, I'm typing this all, sitting in front of your school, trying hard to hide my tears. It may look so silly for a mom to behave like this, that too for her bold daughter,  who had started playing with acquaintances on the first day itself. But I cry, thinking that I ll miss u at home. You are my best friend in recent times, Little devil questioning me everything, making me wonder at everything u do. Waiting to c u out and to cuddle u tight. Make me bolder with your smiles. 


  1. Hi srimathi, your writing are awesome & lovely....keep it up☺️

  2. Well expressed..!!

    Days pass so soon in some cases :)..

  3. Nicely put srimathi,keep up the feel good writing ....🥰


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