How long do we stick to "Baaba black sheep"?

There was a question arrived in a discussion forum of other educational site.
It is questioned, "How long do we stick to "Baaba black sheep"?" 
So the overall discussion is around the craze for giving importance to English in early education compared to our mother tongue. The following is my reply and I post it in my blog too, because, this is the same thought that runs in my mind in recent times. 

"This topic is very interesting and of course, at the right phase of my life,I come across this discussion. My kids are below 5 years old and we reside in USA. Obviously, learning mother tongue from school is impossible here. 

As I strongly believe that the language is the root to a culture, I made sure that my kids are capable of communicating in native language with no difficulty. Even before joining them in school, I teach them Tamil alphabets. 

Even at their TV time, I add Tamil rhymes to their playlist.To my surprise, there are awesome Tamil rhymes collection in YouTube
Kanmani rhymes,Thirukural stories,Athichudi stories and many more. To be honest I learnt more from watching them.

Coming to the serious note, Even in India, there are some schools following Montessori teaching, ICSE etc do not teach any regional languages before 1st Standard(till the kid turns 5 years old). Many of us aware that kids language skill and learning ability is higher till 7 years of age. If one's mother tongue language is not taught during this phase of life, then their language and cultural growth may seriously be got affected. 

From my observation, I notice that some play schools couldn't bring in regional language into their curriculum because of the franchisee model. But school management should seriously consider this psychological and scientific fact of kids' learning phase and include regional language as a part of their curriculam.

Due to various reasons, all our mother tongue language and regional language may not be the same. So, parents role in kids early education is higher than play schools. 

However I feel happy for my kids communicating in a foreign language, Many times,I felt pricked to explain my kids the meaning of some Tamil words in English
They are hurtful moments to me."

Yes, the bitter truth of this social environment is that, the influence of English in our daily usage is more, but only by being aware and clear understanding on the importance of native language, we can keep our roots strong to our kids. Kindly take responsibility in your child's early education, because the school can't teach everything.

The link where the discussion actually begun:


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