How to stay young?

Disclaimer: I am not an expert in weight loss or providing guidelines to any nutritious diet. I have not tried and succeeded any experiments on healthy diets.

The question after my disclaimer may arise, "Then Why do you write on such topic?"

Though we don't follow some routines, we always watch or read about it. For me Home organization, make up routine, healthy diet are few among them. However, everything we watch do not attract us. Many seem to be unrealistic, there is one video which is realistic and follow able. More importantly the person* who gave the tip is reliable.

*It is always important that who says matters, much than what is been told.

Okay, coming to the tips to stay young...
Being young is equally related to your physical and mental fitness.

For Physical fitness:
1. Chew your water
  Bite your water, so that the water gets well along with the saliva and helps you in digestion, instead of diluting your Hydrochloric acid. (Don't find it to be too technical, it is just an enzyme that helps you in digestion).

2. Drink your food
 Bite your food for almost 30+ times, so it turns to liquid form and get well along with the saliva and again easy in digestion and transformation of energy particles.

So, no matter what you eat, but how you eat that helps you in physical fitness. When you eat your food in the above mentioned way, you will obviously eat the limited food, so no over eating any more. Also, your body will absorb all the proteins, vitamins, minerals and whatever healthy substances that was included in your diet. No more wastes too.

For mental fitness:
1. Live at your present
We all have the habit of thinking what next, especially ladies I know, what to prepare for breakfast is the last thought when we go to bed and we really don't sleep until we get answer to it. But in the morning, we may end up preparing something else, that comes to our mind then. It is okay to be stay prepared, but worrying even after the preparation done is something unnecessary. Enjoy what you are doing, when you shower, enjoy the shower, when you drink tea, enjoy every sip and the same with whatever you do.

2. Be updated. 

It may look easy, but many found it to be hard and that is why they are out dated. I will not say any one to read read read to stay updated, all I would say, "Don't be a critic to any advancement". Being a critic to advancement is a kind of escapism from learning it. Just look for its advantages first. No one invests money and effort on anything to destruction. Look at the advantages, then, understand its working. Only when you understand its working, you could estimate the proportion of advantages and dis advantages of any technology.

Listen to others with an intention to understand and not to comment. So that your learning will be more and of course, you will stay updated. Always have something new to speak. Don't beat around the bush.

Din't I say, the tips are realistic and follow able. Hope the post is helpful to you, at least interesting. Who said these tips? I know this would be in running your mind... Actor Madhavan. Who else could be a reliable person to talk about "How to stay young?"

Check out the link: Drink your Food and Chew your Water - Actor Madhavan


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Content : valuable for an opportunity to know couple of new words used in the content, again valuable..

  3. Lovely article. Great tips. Diet is one thing thats on our mind all the time. It is also important to try and stick to a vegan/vegetarian diet as today animal farming is all so commercialized.

  4. I like your post It is very informative post.Exercise is one of the most important factors in a persons life. Physical activity, or the lack of it, can result in a person having a healthy life.
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