Discover your origin

A question may arise, why should we know our origin?

Scientifically, the DNA quality of a person get transferred in diminishing rate to next 7 generations. Knowing the medical history and character behaviors of our grandparents help the coming generation to suppress the negative behaviors and genetic disorders from birth, either with medicine, food practices and by providing moral values.

History is important: Many Foreseer predicts the future happenings in politics, business and even in climatic changes, says that they do so, with the help of history. Actor Kamalhassan, whenever he was asked about his movies depicting future happenings, said " Anyone with history and science knowledge would predict them well, because history always repeats".

Now, we all talk about westernization and many of its bad impact on our lifestyle. We also say, British people in olden years did colonization and took control of our country. Now, they repeat in the name of Globalization, keep us in control with their business. So, History repeats.

Now, we keep receiving forwards of home remedies to cure many number of diseases. Many are homeopathy, Sidha and Ayurveda. We talk about Martial arts, Karate from Japan, Kung fu from China. How many percentage of people are aware of Varma Kalai, originated in Southern India? We had everything, but we did not know many thing in detail now. No use in having the index of a book, without its contents. So, let us know our origin to find our knowledge treasure as well.

How to know the origin?
Good to see people coming up with last name(caste name) detachment practices. It brings neutrality and avoids stereotype of judgement on people. But, in the process of abolishing castes and religion, we also forego the good practices too?

I don't say, one has to hold the caste system, but caste system is ONE OF THE WAYS to find the origin. It is a way of being connected to our origin. It is not necessary or just enough to have it with your name. But, discover where people of those caste lived in olden days, what was their food practices, whichever dynasties ruled those region, what God they worshiped and more.
Because, History repeats, to survive as before, discover your origin.

Check my forum posts and how people created their family charts in its responses click here


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