Home remedy for cold and cough

It is very common to get cold. Sometimes the reason for cold will not just be the cold climate but body heat and dust too. I always opt for home remedies, when we suffer from cold. Even for kids, home remedy does the best. When I see my kids suffer with no sleep and continuous cough, I go for medicines that I brought from India.

Bronklin for cough, should be given only 8 hrs once for 3 days. 2.5 ml for 10 kg kid.
Paracetamol for fever
Tancet for cold - should be given only at night.
These medicines are not to be taken without Doctor prescription.

I wrote an article on home remedy for cold, in which I also provided some of the causes and prevention to cold and cough, especially for kids.

Home remedy/granny therapy for cold and cough


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